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제목 제6차 아시아태평양 IFYE대회 프로그램 일정
작성자 김병호 조회 2569 등록일 2005.08.12
태국에서 개최되는 제6차 아시아태평양 IFYE대회 프로그램 일정입니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다.

Revised Tentative Programme for the Sixth ASPAC IFYE Conference
Pattaya City, Chonburi Province, Thailand
September 4-8, 2005

THEME : "Farm Youth Networking for Rural Development"

September 4, 2005(1일차)
- Arrival of participants at Bangkok International Airport
- Proceed to Pattaya City, Chonburi Province, Thailand
- Registration
- Optional country meeting
18.00-18.30 - Orientation
18.30-20.00 - Welcome Dinner hosted by Thailand
- Thai cultural shows

September 5, 2005(2일차)

09.00-10.00 - Opening Ceremony (national costume) chaired by the
President of ASPAC IFYE Association
․ Speech by President of ASPAC IFYE Association
․ Welcome Address by Director-General of Department of Agricultural Extension
․ Welcome Address by Governor of Chonburi Province
․ Opening Remarks by the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives
10.00-11.00 - Refreshment
11.00-12.00 - Keynote Address on "Guideline for Farm Youth Development in Asia and the Pacific during 2005-2009"by FAO representative
12.00-13.30 - Lunch
13.30-15.00 - Group discussion (5 groups / 5 topics)
1) Networking: an important tool for the development
2) Agro-tourism
3) Farm youth exchange program in the next decade
4) Refocusing government's policy on farm youth development
5) Contribution of farm youth to the society
15.00-15.30 - Refreshment
15.30-17.00 - Discussion (continued)
17.00-18.30 - Free time
- ASPAC IFYE Board Meeting
18.30-21.00 - Dinner hosted by Yuwa kasetkorn Promotion Foundation under the Patronage of HRH Princess Mahachakri Sirindhorn
Cultural shows 1) Taiwan, R.O.C. 2) Philippines 3) Japan

September 6, 2005(3일차)

09.00-10.00 - General Assembly chaired by the President of ASPAC IFYE Association
․ Reports from group discussion
․ Country report on exchange programme
․ Business matters
․ Important announcement - Refreshment
10.30-12.00 - General Assembly (continued)
12.00-13.00 - Lunch
13.00-18.00 - Field trip (Rayong Province)
18.30-21.00 - Dinner
Cultural shows 1) Indonesia 2) Korea 3) India 4) Others

September 7, 2005(4일차)

08.30-12.00 - Field trip (Nongnuch Tropical Garden, Chonburi Province)
12.00-13.30 - Lunch
13.30-14.30 - Presentation on World IFYE Conference in 2008 by Australian delegate
14.30-15.00 - Refreshment
15.00-15.15 - Report on Evaluation
15.15-17.00 - Closing Ceremony and presentation of certificates
18.30-21.00 - Farewell Dinner hosted by the Department of Agricultural Extension
Candle lighting ceremony (4-H Farewell tradition) by all participants

September 8, 2005(5일차)
09.00 - Sightseeing of Bangkok city
- Proceed to Bangkok airport
- Depart for respective countries

September 9, 2005
06.55 - Arrival in Incheon airport


번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회 파일
6813 제6차 아시아태평양 IFYE대회 프로그램 일정[0] 김병호 2005.08.12 2569
6812 회비 납입 현황[0] 김병호 2005.08.11 2883
6784 제6차 아시아태평양 IFYE대회 참가 안내[0] 김병호 2005.07.20 2584
6753 제6차 아시아태평양 IFYE대회 참가자선정 알림[0] 김병호 2005.06.30 2672 05-10호 아태대회 참가자 선정.hwp
6733 아시아태평양 IFYE대회 참가자 모집 완료[0] 김병호 2005.06.17 2404
6700 이양재 부회장님 모친상 알림[0] 김병호 2005.05.20 2178
6696 '05 IFYE 태국초청훈련 환영만찬 개최[0] 정호주 2005.05.19 2155 고려삼계탕약도.hwp
6681 대만4-H관계자 내한[0] 김병호 2005.05.10 2323
6669 제6차 아시아태평양 IFYE대회 참가자 모집[0] 김병호 2005.05.06 2308 사업계획 및 참가안내.hwp
6668 2005년 1차 이사회 결과[0] 김병호 2005.05.06 2109
처음 이전 11   12   13   14   15   16 마지막

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